Change begins with awareness

Interestingly, once you become aware, you have already changed.

We’re told change is inevitable, and that is indeed true. We also pursue change to enhance our lives. If we were to delve deeper and use the teachings of Anthony De Mello's book as a guide, ultimately, we would be striving for awareness. This begins with being conscious of your current state before endeavoring to transform into someone new in the future.

You can go through a transformation and be completely unaware of your true self, your goals, and even your destination. Change begins with awareness. Interestingly, once you become aware, you have already changed.

In your pursuit of awareness, don’t make demands. It’s more like obeying the traffic rules. If you don’t observe traffic rules, you pay the penalty. Here in the United States, you drive on the right side of the road; in England, you drive on the left; in India, you drive on the left. If you don’t, you pay the penalty; there is no room for hurt feelings or demands or expectations; you just abide by the traffic rules.

You ask where guilt comes in in all of this. You’ll know when you’re awake. If you’re feeling guilty right now, how on earth could I explain it to you? How would you know what compassion is?

Anthony De Mello

“You see persons and things not as they are but as you are.”

Anthony De Mello

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