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  • Do not let the malaise set in

Do not let the malaise set in

Strength and confidence come from consistently making ourselves uncomfortable and doing hard things.

I’ve started working out in the mornings. Now, I can’t imagine missing a day because of the effect it has on my mental state. It’s glorious. I’m still weak and feeble, and by no means someone who should take his shirt off at the beach. But I’ll be darned — it feels good to do something hard and uncomfortable every day.

Strength and confidence come from consistently making ourselves uncomfortable and doing hard things. It’s easy to say but not all that easy to achieve. At least consistently. Consistency is what matters most.

Malaise comes easily and often when we’re not reaching our full potential. On the other hand, who amongst us realizes our absolute full potential at all times? I wonder if the true goal is to fight each day not to let the malaise set in.

Today’s macroeconomic environment is complicated, and we understand the challenges you’re facing. That's why we're bringing you a conversation with Barri Rafferty, the dynamic CEO of the consulting firm Morrow Sodali Americas, who will provide you with tools to navigate the uncharted waters ahead. 

We cover everything from DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) to the nuances of self-leadership. We dive into the importance of empathy in the workplace, the challenges of the hybrid work model, and critical tools for future-proofing businesses.

Barri Rafferty is not just a CEO but a true thought leader in her industry. With an impressive track record in executive leadership, advancing women in business, and DEI advocacy, her insights are invaluable.

If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.

-Thomas A. Edison

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