Zuckerberg and free speech

Free speech can't rest on the shoulders of tech entrepreneurs.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

― George Washington

In today’s email:

  • Meditation: When is silencing someone justified?

  • Dear Clint: What do you think of Zuckerberg’s free speech admissions?

  • Latest Interview: Formstack CEO Aled Miles


“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”

John Stuart Mill

Dear Clint,

I recently read that Mark Zuckerberg admitted to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook to censor certain COVID-19 content. Additionally, he revealed that the FBI had informed Facebook that a truthful story was actually Russian disinformation, leading to its suppression on the platform.

This news has me really concerned about the state of free speech in our country. If government agencies and administrations can influence social media platforms to censor or mislabel information, where does that leave our ability to access and share the truth? I’m worried that this kind of interference could set a dangerous precedent, eroding trust in both our government and our information sources.

How can we prevent this from happening again? What steps should be taken to ensure that free speech is protected and that social media platforms aren’t used as tools for government censorship?

Worried About Free Speech

Dear Worried About Free Speech,

I interviewed Zuck in January 2020. In the following months, the FBI would call him and ask him to take down content they claimed was "Russian disinformation." It wasn't.

The decision to suppress this content may have swung a presidential election. Of course, we now know that truthful Covid-19 content was also censored.

I understand the (deserved) anger at Zuck for his role in this, but at least he's accepted he made a mistake and vowed never to do it again.

What about the 51 intelligence officials who knew it wasn't Russian disinformation and still said it was to protect a presidential candidate?

What about the overwhelming number of media organizations who went along with that narrative?

Most importantly, what about the people who coordinated all of this who are still holding positions at the highest levels of government?

No accountability. No apologies. No promise not to do it again.

Free speech can't rest on the shoulders of tech entrepreneurs.

How many tech CEOs would be willing to give the middle finger to the FBI? That list has one name: Elon.

In this video, I believe Zuck was sincere in his commitment to free speech and expression.

It's good to have the authentic Zuck back, and it's good to have another name on that list.

Contact Clint
Email: dear[email protected]
Phone: (385) 217-0670

In his book "Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality," Anthony De Mello emphasizes the importance of self-awareness for effective leadership. De Mello points out that many people, including leaders, are often unaware of their biases, fears, and attachments, which influence their decisions and interactions.

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